Latest News
Midwifery is a dynamic, fast-paced profession that deeply transforms the lives of Alberta families. Explore our latest news releases, official statements, and updates on the pressing issues shaping midwifery today.
The Alberta Association of Midwives is proud to present the 2024 Midwifery Matters Conference, an event that brings together midwives, maternal health professionals, and advocates to engage in a dynamic and inspiring exploration of diversity within midwifery. This year’s theme, Embracing Diversity in Midwifery, reflects our commitment to fostering an inclusive and compassionate environment that enhances care for every family across Alberta.
The journey of bringing new life into the world is one filled with anticipation, joy, and sometimes uncertainty. Midwives act as guardians to expectant mothers by offering care and support combined with expertise gained from years of training.
Hello! I’m Jenn (she/her). I’m in final year of a masters in counselling psychology and providing perinatal counselling as a student therapist.
In my 13 years working as a midwife, I have had the honour of holding space for people through life’s most beautiful and most painful moments.
As a mother of three young kids, I’ve experienced the highs and lows of navigating pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenting. Our mental health as parents matters.
The Alberta Association of Midwives (AAM) joyfully celebrates the vibrant community of midwives and the flourishing midwifery profession in Alberta. Committed to delivering high-quality, safe, and inclusive perinatal, pregnancy, and birthing care, Registered Midwives have been primary healthcare providers since 2009, delivering essential services to all birthing people.
The Alberta Association of Midwives (AAM) is delighted to announce the appointment of Jennifer Gullage-Payne as its new Executive Director, effective January 2, 2024. This significant milestone marks a pivotal moment for AAM as it continues to advance its mission and commitment to excellence in midwifery care across Alberta.
The Alberta Association of Midwives (AAM) is accepting proposals to assist the organization in Strategic Planning. The AAM is committed to anti-oppression and equity. Applicants from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply and voluntarily self-identify in their proposal. The strictest confidentiality will be maintained with all submissions, to which only the recruitment committee will have access.
The Association of Alberta Midwives (AAM) provides support and advances exceptional care through meeting the current, and emergent needs of our midwifery membership. The AAM Board of Directors has included work on IPAC in our strategic plans since December 2019, and as of April 2022 decided to elevate this work to one of our top areas of focus. We are committed to the safe operation of all Midwifery services throughout the province.
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) recommends that people who are pregnant or breast/chestfeeding should be offered vaccination at any time if they are eligible and no contraindications exist.
The Board of Directors of the Alberta Association of Midwives has endorsed the Statement on Closure of Laurentian University School of Midwifery published on April 13, 2021 by the Canadian Association of Midwives/Association canadienne des Sages Femmes, the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives, CAMEd/ACFSF, Canadian Midwifery Regulators Council/Counsiel canadien des ordres de sages-femmes, and the Student Midwives Association of Canada/ Association canadienne des étudiant(e)s en pratique de sage-femme.
Members who are interested can express their support by signing a petition. The link can be found inside this post.
Did you know that midwives collaborate with health care colleagues? Interprofessional collaboration ensures the client is kept at the centre of their care, receiving the right care at the right time from the right provider.